
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Drawn to the Well

"The Missionaries* of the Immaculata know that the Lord is by their side. Therefore, even when they are not able to find the slightest reason for joy, when everything seems ugly, mean, and twisted in this world below – they know that at least He is “the Smile.”  He is the Smile in Whom we can always find refuge, the Tenderness that fears not overflowing, and the Joy that fears not showing itself.  And who prays to Him is drawn to a resounding well, in which the cracked metal of our pails creates ringing echoes of laughter." 

                     Fr. Luigi Faccenda (OVS IV, 1979) 

*One may insert your personal name, group, or community. The question is: do YOU believe that the Lord is at YOUR side?


  1. What a lovely reflection that Father Faccenda gave on Jesus. He indeed is "The Smile".
    Mary F. FKVI

  2. "If one os a true Christian, they bring joy wherever they go." Mother Theresa
