
Monday, October 3, 2011

New Beginning

Funny. Aren't all beginnings new? I guess, but we only use this expression when we are "starting over" or "beginning again."  Every time we re-commit ourselves to something, it is a new beginning - and we also hope that a better beginning will lead to a better result.  So it is with this blog. It has been re-designed to be ever-so-simple. It has been re-thought in order to convey the spirit of the Institute.

This year, the theme of the Fr. Kolbe Missionaries of the Immaculata is "JOY." Therefore, tomorrow, the feast of the happy St. Francis of Assisi - I invite you to check out the blog - and every Tuesday afterwards. A brief writing on the theme of JOY will be posted from the writings of Father Faccenda.

After all, who doesn't need a weekly reminder of who we really are, where we are going, and what we are called to live in the joyful, simple, present moment?  I know I do, and so I hope that you too will enJOY these blogs and make a genuine effort to feed your thoughts and heart with the profound joyful texts of
Fr. Faccenda - our founder and spiritual father.


1 comment:

  1. Recently, we were with a few brand new Mi'ers @ a meeting. After saying the Holy Spirit prayer, I truly didn't know if i, myself, could recite the LONG version of the consecration prayer by heart, so i called on the Mystical Union of the sister/brotherhood of the FKMI/FKVI's throughout the world. It worked:-)
