
Monday, November 1, 2010

An Invitiation to Vote- St. Maximilian

My commentary in Red.... Good stuff in Black

Concerned about certain politicians, publicly proclaiming the Christian faith as members of the "Christian Democracy" (at the time in Poland assuredly Catholic), St. Maximilian published. What was the nature of the scandal? They ate meat on Friday, publicly, when it was against the laws of the Church to do so. 

St. Maximilian Kolbe, November 1924
Comments don't seem necessary, because we have here a type of "squared circle": the "Christian spirit" and "meat on Friday". But these are incompatible for authentic Christians, namely those who adhere to the Church founded by Christ, and not apostates.

Obedience to the Laws of the Church is assumed, and not out of naivete, but out of innocence and love.  Therefore, "eating meat on Fridays" and the "Christian Spirit" were as incompatible as a "square circle".

Genuinely seeking a loop-hole for the gentlemen, St. Maximilian Kolbe wonders...
But maybe these gentlemen were sick? And continues: Why, then, did they act so in public?

Hoping to remedy the situation, but also - undoubtedly - to hit home to the readers of the magazine the importance of voting for authentic Christians, Fr. Kolbe comes up with a game plan....
What shall I say?

I invite, and very strongly, those honorable gentlemen to do one thing: to declare openly whether they are Protestant, Jew, Muslim, or Buddhist, or if they want to be Christians - to be real and not bother voters with a masquerade of Christianity. If this request does not obtain the desired effect, be certain - gentlemen - that I will consider it my holy duty to inform your voters during the next election, so that they do not make a mistake again.


MY HOLY DUTY to inform voters of anti-Christian viewpoints - that lead to anti-Christian behavior - so that they do not make the MISTAKE of VOTING FOR THOSE THAT PUBLICLY OPPOSE THE CHURCH. 

Fr. Kolbe loved his country, and understood the frailty of Democracy - and knew where its power lay: in the fidelity of the people to God in every aspect of life. He knew the difference voting could make - he challenged the Politicians to follow God and His Church and he challenged the voters to vote accordingly!

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