
Wednesday, November 3, 2010


"The Christians who did most for the present world were just those who thought most of the next... It is since Christians have largely ceased to think of the other world that they have become so ineffective in this."  - C.S Lewis
We all need the gift of SUPERNATURAL hope. The present world has conned many of us into thinking that with the loss of our job, health, or prestige we are less than we once were. Society has drilled into our minds and snuck into our hearts with the message that if we don't graduate from college, own our own house, and hold a lucrative position, we are somehow less than the people who do. The Mass-Media does such a good job of filtering their message of any hope, that indeed when something great happens it is shock for all us to see.  The most recent secular version of hope called us to put our hope in this world, this government... in short, human beings. A natural hope like this, naturally fails to carry us through our daily lives.  

What is missing? Charity? Faith?... Sure, but what about those of us who have Faith and strive for Charity?  Why are we afraid, and why do we get discouraged by our weaknesses? Why do we utter with our lips that everything is fine, everything will be alright, but our hearts tremble at the prospect of obstacles to our comfort and/or our salvation?  We need supernatural HOPE, that is REAL HOPE, by which we trust God for the help we need to reach the beatitude of eternal life. THIS HOPE strengthens us for the journey and fades away only upon its realization at the Beatific Vision.  

What can you do to nurture hope in your life? Pray for it. Beg the Holy Spirit for it. Pray for detachment from earthly things (scary but wise!), and when the weight of the world bends your shoulders towards the earth, look to Heaven. Remember, as was said in another post, we were healed in the soul, though our bodies still cry for redemption. It is coming. Trust Him when He says:

I have told you this so that you might have peace in me. In the world you will have trouble, but take courage, I have conquered the world."
John 16:33

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