
Saturday, October 11, 2014

Driven by a Dream

Driven by a Dream. It's more than a slogan; it is a fact of life. It is a truth that is rooted in every single human person, as close to our hearts as our pursuit of happiness. We are driven by dreams. Our dreams range from eating healthy to dying holy. We are human; we can't help but dream.

Dreams are at the heart of what we really from life.
60 years ago, three young women (Paola, Anita, and Amelia) knew what they wanted. They wanted to be consecrated to God in an approved form of consecrated life, and they wanted to do so in the spirit - following the example and spirituality - of St. Maximilian Kolbe. It was only a dream, but it drove them to seek the guidance and support of Father Luigi Faccenda, OFM Conv, who was responsible for the MI in their region.

He was young, sickly, and relatively inexperienced. But, he too had a dream: to be a priest like Father Kolbe and belong unreservedly to the Immaculata. He dreamed of continuing the legacy of Saint Maximilian Kolbe, and weaving the golden thread of the Franciscans deeper into the fabric of Italy and beyond.

On October 11, 1954 - then the feast of the Mother of God - Father Luigi Faccenda. He received permission to begin the Institute of the Father Kolbe Missionaries of the Immaculata. The first dream of those young women had come true. 60 years later we are still driven by the same dream.

We have taken up the challenge of St. Maximilian - to consecrate the whole world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary for the happiness and holiness of all people. We have taken it up, watched the dream come true soul after soul, and continue to be compelled to reach as many people as possible, as soon as possible.

Dreams are powerful when they are rooted in truth. They can push you beyond your presumed limitations, break out of your comfort zones, and challenge the status quo. Anita, Paola, and Amelia's dream was rooted in the infinite mercy of God, the awesome gift of His Mother, and yearning that every human has to be happy and free. It's a powerful dream, and it keeps us going.

What's your dream?

Jillian Cooke, MTh, MAPM
Fr. Kolbe Missionary of the Immaculata

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