
Thursday, October 24, 2013

Man of the House

If you know the Fr. Kolbe Missionaries, you can probably guess who I mean by “the man of the house.”  We live with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, present in our chapel, the heart of our home. He is quite literally the man of the house. 
                I discovered this particular role of Jesus in the missionaries’ lives before I began formation.  The more I visited the missionaries’ home, the more I understood that their lives center around the head of their consecrated family.  My experience of this truth has increased since moving into the community.
Today we celebrate 27 years of Jesus’ presence in our chapel.  This is an immense blessing and also a challenge!  We can sometimes take the great gift of the Eucharistic presence for granted, it is similar to taking for granted the gift of our families when living together day after day.  What a challenging but worthy work to value and treasure every day the gift of our families, and especially the gift of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist.
As human beings (I’m pretty sure he calls the weakest to himself), we don’t always act and think as we should, but one thing is for sure: we strive to be worthy of the grace of being his and living with him. Jesus is the unseen guest of honor at every meal, and the underlying subject of every conversation in the House of the Immaculata.  His laughter is heard when all in the house enjoy quality time together.  His sacred heartbeat provides the rhythm for communal and personal prayer.  When we fall in sin or give in to weakness, we can approach him and make amends, be strengthened, and move on. And, perhaps best of all, we can be company for his sacred, thirsting heart.
As a good husband and father, he provides for the needs of ALL in our spiritual family. The gift of his presence in our chapel is a gift not only for our consecrated family, but for all families and people, because from there we pray for all and are strengthened to continue our mission of “bringing the strength of the faith and the love of Mary to youth and families.” You are invited to unite with us in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament and… Behold the gift. 
Julie Dinise
member in formation with the Father Kolbe Missionaries

If you are unable to visit the Blessed Sacrament in a church, you can always make a spiritual visit. This link leads to a live camera in Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Chapel, belonging to the Conventual Franciscan Friars at Marytown, Illinois.    
* Editor's Note: Can’t put aside an hour of silent prayer, because you’ve got your hands full of chores, toddlers, school books, and 12 hour shifts? Give an hour of your labor of love to Our Lord through Mary. Sign up here:

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